p a i n t i n g s
Midir and Étaín: acrylic on canvas
untitled: acrylic on canvas
for her reflection: acrylic on canvas
the sun at night: acrylic on canvas
tout une étoile: acrylic on canvas
the stone door: oil on canvas
quilted stars: oil on canvas
star weaver: oil on canvas
between the egg and the sun: oil on canvas
labrynthian suns: oil on canvas
“pure Graces with arms like roses” Thinking of our inner worlds, the dream space, the places we dwell. Of our mortal toil, what is beyond? I hope a space of deep freedom, inner calm, tranquility and light. Of blooms and beetroots. Of mirrors that reflect willow's bloom. Of gardens where we do not know our own names. Of the space between yellow and blue. Me and you.
sespe & magpie
the rabbit's wedding
dream guardians: acrylic
dream guardians: acrylic on wood